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Free HR Tools to Generate Letters

Many times, it's time-consuming to generate letters in bulk or track your ROI in real-time! From now on- simplify and automate your every complex HR task.

Annual Bonus Letter

The annual bonus letter formally notifies the bonus amount to employees after appraisal cycle is over.

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Appointment letter

An appointment letter is a formal document an employer sends to a candidate selected for a job position. It typically includes the following components:

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Appraisal Letter Generator

An appraisal letter is a formal document by employer to appraise their employee and reward them. It typically includes:

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Appreciation Letter

An appreciation letter acknowledges employees’ values and contributions to your organization. This letter includes following elements:

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Approval Letter Generator

An approval letter is a formal document by an authorized person to authorize specific employee for task. It typically includes:

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Authorization Letter

The authorization letter formally gives permission or authorizes another employee to complete the task assigned.

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Employee Recognition Letter

An employee recognition letter formally appreciates the efforts of employees and makes them feel valued.

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Employee Welcome Letter

A new employee welcome letter formally welcomes the new joinee and guides them on how they can start their new journey ahead- without any confusion!

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Employment Confirmation Letter Generator

An employment confirmation letter is a formal document that an employer sends to a candidate to confirm their employment. It typically includes the following components:

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Employment Contract Letter Generator

An employment contract letter is a formal letter to offer employment to a candidate but on a contractual basis- it could vary from duration to project basis.

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Employment Verification Letter

An employment verification letter is a formal document to confirm the position, roles and responsibilities performed by employees. It typically includes:

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Experience Letter

An experience letter is a formal declaration or certification, used as proof of employment. It typically includes the following components:

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Gratuity Calculator

To invest your gratuity amount, you can have several options. Here are some of them that you might want to consider.

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Internship Completion Letter

An internship completion letter is a formal document to certify that interns have successfully completed their internship. It typically includes:

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Internship Offer Letter Generator

An internship offer letter is a formal document that an employer sends to a candidate/ intern who has been selected for internship. It typically includes the following components:

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Interview Call Letter

An interview call letter is sent by recruiters to candidates for interview process that mentions the details about type of interview, mode, interviewer details, more. It typically includes:

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Invitation Letter

The invitation letter formally invites attendees to relevant events/ workshop/ training organized by the company.

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Invoice Generator

An invoice slip is a formal record detailing information about goods, services, taxes, and the total payable amount for a transaction.

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Job Description Generator

The main purpose of a job description generator is to save time, ensure consistency for companies posting about the jobs, and attract the right candidates. This is done by clearly communicating the requirements of the candidate and mentioning all the...

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Leave Encashment Calculator

As discussed, leave encashment is the amount of money that you get for all the leaves that went unused during your service after your retirement or leaving the company. It's a part of the final settlement that a company pays...

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Letter of Recommendation

A recommendation letter is a formal document that an employer creates to recommend employees. It typically includes the following components:

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Offer Letter Generator

An offer letter is a formal document that an employer sends to a candidate who has been selected for a job position. It typically includes the following components:

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Probation Extension Letter

The probation extension letter formally notifies employees of their extended period given to improve their performance so that management can offer permanent employment status.

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Promotion Letter Generator 

A promotion letter is a formal document that an employer sends to promoted employees. It typically includes the following components:

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Rejection Letter

A rejection letter is a formal document by company to candidates to reject the application for job opening due to non-fulfilment of requirement. It typically includes:

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Relieving Letter Generator

A relieving letter is an official document which is issued to an employee at the time of leaving the organization. It typically includes the following components:

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Request Denied Letter

A request denial letter formally prohibits employees from proceeding further with request made to HRs.

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Resignation Acceptance Letter

A resignation acceptance letter is a formal letter to accept that an employee would be no longer be part of their organisation from decide effective date.

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Return on Investment (ROI) Calculator

To use free ROI calculator, consider-

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Salary Calculator

After landing to this page from HROne’s website>HR Tools>Salary Calculator, you just need to fill the relevant fields-

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Salary Increment Letter

Salary increments letter is a way to acknowledge employees’ value in terms of appreciating their salary. The letter typically includes the following elements:

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Suspension Letter

A suspension letter is a formal document by a person designated to authorize or suspend relevant requests. It typically includes:

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TDS Calculator

After landing on this page from HROne’s wbsite, you just need to fill the relevant fields-

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Termination Letter

A termination letter is a formal document that an employer sends to an employee to take a formal exit from the company. It typically includes the following components:

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Transfer Letter Generator 

A transfer letter is a formal document by employer to transfer employees- be it transferring department, city, role, etc. It typically includes:

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Warning Letter Generator

The warning letter formally notifies the employee- ‘not to repeat the specific act at workplace, if repeated then employee have to face penalties.

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