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HROne Team Gets 10X More Productive From Home. Here’s How…

Updated on: 18th Jun 2024

3 mins read

In the wake of the Covid-19 outbreak, not only in India but countries across the globe announced lockdown. Our lifestyle did turn upside down in a matter of days. For the more physically distant we are, the higher are the chances of winning over this pandemic. While the same is quintessential to ghost this contagious virus, the work must not get impacted. Even though putting the economy second and life first is the motto, we must not let the business go for a toss.

With the same thought, every business owner during the lockdown is trying its best to make the business survive this testing time. By following the idea of “QuaratineSelf-Quarantine and Work”, companies are trying to make work from home, work for them. While some of them are succeeding and some of them are able to do their bare minimum, we thought of walking you through our way of working from home. Hope it adds something to yours.

We keep employees engaged

It is normal for the employees to start feeling low and alone during this time as many of them might even be living alone. So, to emphasize physical distancing and not getting disconnected altogether, our employees use HRIS software chat option and also do video calls to resolve work issues and stay connected otherwise.

We help them stay positive

With negative numbers and rumours that seemed to be true flashing at screens every minute, it was getting tough for our employees to stay positive and focused. So, our HR took hold of the situation by using the HRIS software smartly to share the right and positive information related to COVID-19 and other quotes to keep them inspired and sane.

We respect our employees’ autonomy

While we wanted to not let our productivity droop, we also wanted to keep work from home comfortable for the employees. So, while the teams connect with each other at the start and end of the day, we encourage employees to figure out the best working space in their house for themselves.

We give proper feedback

To address the communication gap that affected productivity, we ensured that proper feedback is shared with all of them using video meetings, initiative ratings and more. Case management was also set in place to expedite solutions to any technical or non-technical issue.
We endure a culture of appreciation- Instead of pestering employees with every minute calls, we started focusing on the results while keeping them motivated using badges and rewards.

All of the aforementioned things became a reality because of WORKFORCE CONNECT.

As we at HROne, Best HR software believes in enabling better workplaces, from the very first day of the lockdown because we have been rewiring the engagement problems in work from home context. As that is the only way to drive productivity and innovation during this time. After implementing the necessary toolkit for more than 2 weeks now, we are ready to render our help to the businesses to cure disengagement and boost productivity. Keeping in mind the slowdown happening due to the lockdown we are giving Workforce Connect away at zero cost for 3 months. Don’t ponder so much, and sanitize your engagement practices for the good now!

Sukriti Saini

Content Manager

Sukriti Saini works as a content marketing strategist at HROne. She has done Bachelors in Journalism from Delhi University and carries several years of experience in content development. HR trends, Productivity, Performance and topics related to Employee Engagement garner most of her writing interest here. During leisure, she loves to write and talk about fashion, food & life.

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