Discover TheHRONE RECAP FORMULAFor Employee Engagement
Recap is an abbreviation to what we have understood talking about engagement and working on it over the years. Not just that, it also means that you should look back and really take a recap of all the practices and behaviours in the past so as to be in a better position to fruition your recruitment efforts and also optimise the way you use recruitment management software and HR software holistically.
In this special formula to spike engagement, we share tips to make things work in your favor.

Rewards & Recognition
People work for money (basic need) but walk an extra mile for recognition, appreciation and rewards. For the deepest desire for every human is to be ultimately appreciated for what they do.
78% of employees are highly engaged when they feel strong recognition from their organizations.
Use Badges & Rewards to recognise good work and make appreciation a daily practice! Explore now!
Little things that make a huge difference-
- Verbal and Written Appreciations
- Regular Announcements and Shout-Outs
- Occasional Bonuses and Appraisals
- Championships and Winning Titles
- Gift Vouchers and Goodies
- Tours, Trips and Travel Packages
- Monthly and Yearly Performance Awards
Emotional Salary
When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.” – Simon Sinek.
Employee engagement at work is all about emotional connection. Companies still fail to realise that only 22% of people leave their organisations for money, had they been offered enough emotional salary, they would have stayed!
It precisely includes autonomy, belonging, creativity, direction, enjoyment, inspiration, mastery personal growth, professional growth and purpose!
Give Emotional Salary to retain your talent and keep them invested Read more
Little things that make a huge difference-
- Tell them how important their work is in achieving the business goals
- Stop micromanaging; trust them and let them work independently
- Instead of being the boss, be their coach; help them master their strengths even more
- Ask them to help you in ideation for that new project, don’t tell them to follow a set path; let their creativity spur
- Celebrate every little to big win; involve them in social interactions, outings
- Be invested in their personal growth, besides work, help them be more self aware and help them be a better person
- Try to create a connection between their values and company value so that they stay motivated and loyal
Continuous Listening
“Whatever you speak seldom makes you learn, if you want to improve your organisation/ the way you lead and engage, you must listen. Who can be better than your employees for it?”
Listening to each employee in person on a continuous basis is quite impractical but this practice is also crucial for employee engagement. So, figuring out a way to enable it is essential. In length, and quick pulse surveys and moodbots are a proven way to activate continuous listening.
Use Pulse, Surveys, Moodbots to know your improvement areas Explore now!
To use the method efficiently, it is necessary to trigger a special 3- step continuous wheel that briefly includes- Listen, Act, Analyse!
Download “ The continuous listening guide for the irresistible organizations” For FREE Now!
Or to make it even more personal, you can take a cue from the example below- Dharmesh Shah, the co founder of Hubspot launched “Ask Dharmesh Anything” wherein all the Hubspot employees could use to directly interact with him!

- Coordinated & Cross-Functional
- Continuously Collect & Combine
- Company Performance
- Customer-Centric
Little things that make a huge difference-
- Give them meaningful work- If survey results show employees are not happy, assign the initiative of redesigning role & responsibilities to the respective manager(s).
- Make your management supportive- If results show employees are not happy with their managers, arrange workshops and training sessions for them to coach them the right way to lead!
- Provide them with a safe work environment- If even one employee has been inappropriately talked to.or touched, immediately ask the HR to revisit company policies, let the employees know about it. You can also introduce a committee to handle such gross people plaguing your work environment internally and warn/ fire him/her.
- Build Growth Opportunities- If results show that employees feel they aren’t growing, you can introduce “Challenge -me” Assignments, lateral talent movement and like.
- Trust in Leadership- If the employees don’t think there CEO hears them, make a forum where they can write or talk directly to the CEO about their concerns.
Amplify their Ideas/ believe in them
Whatever you speak seldom makes you learn, if you want to improve your organisation/ the way you lead and engage, you must listen. Who can be better than your employees for it?”
Explore now!
Little things that make a huge difference-
- Give them a new work responsibility
- Ask them to work in coordination with different teams/ departments
- Let them share their ideas for every project, make them a part of planning and ideation phase to show how much their ideas are valued
- Give them due credit in front of seniors for their ideas, growth and performance.
Positive + Clear Communication
“Positive communication begins with mutual respect, empathy and results in effective teamwork by uplifting their morale.”
“High performing companies are TWICE as likely to keep communications simple & jargon-free.” – IABC Report
Tip: Switch to HR software with a fully functional mobile app to maintain consistency.
Use HR Posts & Announcements to keep one and all informed Explore now!
Little things that make a huge difference-
- Make every little win count. Make sure you let every departmental and organisational achievement come in the knowhow of every employee
- Treat them as a part of your family. So, not just professional, talk about their personal milestones like the news of a newborn, marriage anniversary and more, all should be celebrated
- Share motivational quotes, positive news and tips to help them keep their emotional and mental well-being great!
- Use tools to build a positive narrative around every change that employees might resist to and ofcourse to make the routine announcements.
Engagement by role
Employee engagement in HR is not the only thing that needs attention. Most of the engagement programs fail because they are primarily and many a times even solely considered “an HR thing”! It has always been seen as something that is not the onus of any manager, leader or a frontline employee. Because of this very belief, most of the organisations think that they have exhausted their employee engagement strategies and give up on putting efforts way before truly exploring the full potential to revolutionise their business. Despite attempting repeatedly to raise the engagement numbers, they either see low engagement or see it reaching the plateau.
To ensure everyone stays informed and engaged enough, HROne introduced India’s first Inbox For HR. A gmail-styled HR inbox that efficiently organises the actionable tasks, so you never miss a task again.

Sometimes the tool they use reflects high people engagement levels but they still fail to see the change in business results. Ultimately being at a loss of explanation or failing to figure out the root cause, they end up blaming factors other than their own practices and mindset.
Hence, to take businesses out of this cycle of putting efforts, and not getting the desired results, we made a 3 point rule for everyone involved in the engagement work– managers, senior stakeholders, and employees.
HROne’s Special 3 point Rule
Pinning the exact three things that they must do right below.
Managers- Listen, learn, Lead
Senior Stakeholders- Head, heart, hands
Colleagues- Collaborate, cooperate, appreciate
Listen, learn, lead
Above everything, you play the role of a catalyst, an enabler. Not only do you set the tone for work environment but also guide employees and stakeholders of how much to expect and keeping the goals realistic.
- Listen to your employees and know their needs
- Learn through active listening the factors that are impacting engagement at work.
- Lead and take actions that can help achieve the goals set for them
Senior Stakeholders
Head, heart, hands
Who we are, why we exist, how do you help us succeed? Start answering these questions to employees so that they can connect to your organisation and continue to choose you over others.
- Head should be focused on ensuring how employee strengths can be used optimally and ways to connect individual goals and vision to that of company’s.
- Heart must be used to empathise and think of the well being of employees in every way.
- Hands are to make sure everyone is engaged enough in work and to reward outstanding performance.
Collaborate, cooperate, appreciate
More than managers and stakeholders, employees stay in touch with each other. You play an integral part in engagement for each other.
- Instead of working in silos always work in collaboration with your team members.
- Cooperate with everyone. Cover up for them, support them, give them inputs
- Appreciate each other’s efforts, work skills, soft skills to keep the environment happy and motivating.