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Enter the name and size of your Company as listed in your employment contract.

Enter the Contact Person Details Below:

Policy Created By

Eligibility Criteria

Security Measures

Communication Mode

Termination Clause



Work From Home Policy

Company Details

Company Name: [Your Company Name]

Company Size: [Your Company Size]

Policy Version: [Your Policy Version]

Contact Person Details

Name: [Contact Person's Name]

Designation: [Contact Person's Designation]

Email: [Contact Person's Email]

Phone: [Contact Person's Phone]


[Define the criteria for employees to be eligible for work from home, e.g., job role, tenure, performance, etc.]

Security Measures

[Outline the security measures to ensure company data protection, such as VPN use, secure devices, etc.]

Communication Mode

[Specify how communication will be handled during work from home, such as daily standups via Zoom or Slack updates.]

Termination Clause

[Explain under what conditions the work-from-home arrangement can be terminated, such as misuse, policy violations, or role requirements.]


[A formal declaration that the employee has read and agreed to the terms of the work-from-home policy.]

Policy Created By

Name: [Policy Creator's Name]

Designation: [Policy Creator's Designation]

Date: [Policy Creation Date]

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