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Timesheet Management Policy

Updated on: 6th May 2024

2 mins read


Completing tasks within the stipulated time is the end goal for every business. How do you ensure sticking to the timeline? Through proper timesheet management

Try out the HROne Timesheet Management Policy for free and delineate all the principles involved in the same!!

Key Highlights

If you are concerned about tracking the performance and productivity of your employees, draft a standard policy with HROne and don’t forget to keep the points mentioned below:

What is a Timesheet Management Policy?

The timesheet management policy is a set of principles and protocols that bring transparency in effort estimation, tracking and enhancing employee performance, increasing employee productivity and improving accuracy in customer billing.

Teams with high employee engagement rates are 21% more productive and have 28% less internal theft than those with low engagement. Employees who are engaged are 27% more likely to report “excellent” performance.


Why is a Timesheet Management Policy important?

The timesheet management policy is important to facilitate and ensure the accomplishment of major organizational goals and objectives through effective management of employee productivity and performance.

Is on-time accomplishment of targets a concern for you? HROne comes with a one-stop solution for all employee performance-related issues, i.e., performance management software. Now you can track the progress of projects/assigned jobs easily and see the productuctivy and performance touching skies!

Those who use HROne time tracking software already, can find this policy template in the software itself.

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