Outsource Your Payroll to HROne! In-House Experts, Error-Free, & On-Time Payouts.

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Add Powerful Functionalities to Your HRMS Plan

Based on Your Needs

Our HROne add-ons enhance your workflows and offer a range of smart features to boost your productivity.

HROne Add-Ons Suite
to increase HR efficiency and success

Payroll Outsourcing 

Outsource end-to-end payroll management to experts and ensure timely payroll processing, tax deductions, and compliance with tax regulations.

WhatsApp Bot

Communicate instantly and conveniently all employees’ and candidates’ concerns without having to be there, from anywhere- anytime.

Teams Bot

Get all notifications directly on teams without having to log in to your HROne app and provide an extraordinary experience to your employees.


A virtual assistant that gives fast responses to employee queries and enhances their overall experience while preventing delays.

Work Plan 

HROne Manages Work Modes So, You can Ensure Work-Life Balance Let you people feel the freedom of dynamic work environment and schedules-with HROne

Business Intelligence

Get deeper trends understanding for future decisions with pictorial representation of data in various formats.

But That’s Not All. Checkout Our Upcoming Add-Ons

Live Trip

Live Trip auto calculates distance and enables you to easily log expenses for frequent business travels.


Optical Character Recognition allows you to scan and extract data from your expense receipts, preventing manual data entry errors.

Facial Recognition

Facial scanning and recognition tool lets you verify employee identity and simplify your clock-in and clock-process.

Chat GPT

A virtual assistant that gives fast responses to employee queries and enhances their overall experience while preventing delays.

Boost Your Efficiency by Maximizing HROne Capabilities.
Get Your Add-On(s) Today!

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